It's gonna rain it's gonna rain
Not a drop in the clouds remain
The sky is dark and its windy
I’m at home eating cotton candy
Raindrops fall near and far
Hail falls and scratches my car
Nothing can stop me from going out there
I wanna jump in the puddles everywhere
It reminds me of that day
When from college we went away
We ate and drank
And thought of people we could prank
Then suddenly it started raining!
It was accompanied by our joyful screaming!
We slid and jumped on the street
Till it stopped raining and dried our feet
Our moods were lifted by this rain
We acted crazy and went insane
What a fun filled day it was
Where our excitement did not pause
The rains bring back blissful memories
and erases all our worries
I feel a delight like no other
I cant wait to jump in another!