March 10, 2015



A loving son, brother and friend
Your love for chocolate may never end
Fond of teddy bears and cooking
Loves reading and movie making

Mesmerized by magic and a Harry Potter fan
Hours you can spend to make a snowman
Fascinated by tall buildings and trains
Loves bowling and cycling within lanes

Adores apple products from Lisa to Macbook air
For maths and coding, you have a natural flair
Entrepreneurial and willing to slog
Gave birth to your company "My lazy frog"

A medalist at swimming and rowing
Your ambitions ever keep growing
Gifted at playing the piano and clarinet
Eton will always remain your favorite

Being creative, kind and ready to compete
Your Stanford admission was a superb feat
May you fulfill your dreams and soar with zest
On turning 18, we wish you all the best!

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